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Email Framework

General Information

The Pimcore Email Framework provides an easy way to send/create emails with Pimcore.

For this you have several components:

Pimcore provides a Pimcore\Mail Class which extends the \Swift_Message Class. When you initialize a Pimcore\Mail object, all data from Settings > System > Email Settings are applied automatically.

When you enable the debug mode in Settings > System > Debug, all emails will be sent to the addresses given in Settings > System > Email Settings > Debug Email Addresses and the debug information (to whom the email would have been sent) is automatically appended.

Pimcore provides a Document Email type where you can define the recipients ... (more information here) and Dynamic Placeholders (more information here).

To send a email you just create a Email Document in the Pimcore Backend UI, define the subject, recipients, add Dynamic Placeholders... and pass this document to the Pimcore\Mail object. All nasty stuff (creating valid URLs, embedding CSS, compile Less files, rendering the document..) is automatically handled by the Pimcore\Mail object.

Usage Example

Lets assume that we have created a Email Document in the Pimcore Backen UI (/email/myemaildocument) which looks like this:

Pimcore Mail

To send this document as email we just have to write the following code-snippet in our controller action:

//dynamic parameters
$params = array('firstName' => 'Pim',
                'lastName' => 'Core',
                'product' => 73613);
//sending the email
$mail = new \Pimcore\Mail();

Sending a Plain Text Email:

$mail = new \Pimcore\Mail();
$mail->setBodyText("This is just plain text");

Sending a Rich Text (HTML) Email:

$mail = new \Pimcore\Mail();
$mail->setBodyHtml("<b>some</b> rich text");