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Feature Flags and Debug Mode

Starting with version 5.2.0, Pimcore adds a system to handle feature flags in a unified manner. Pimcore itself uses the feature flag system for its own Debug Mode and Dev Mode flags. One or more features can be registered and queried on a FeatureManager object which is either accessible via Pimcore::getFeatureManager() or by type hinting against FeatureManagerInterface in your code in a DI context.

As soon as you set a custom state on the feature manager, the default behavior (e.g. reading debug mode setting from the debug-mode.php config file) will be omitted.

To define and query a set of features define a feature as a bit field enum extending the Pimcore\FeatureToggles\Feature class (internally the class uses the myclabs/php-enum library to implement an enum-like type in PHP). This class can be used to set and query a feature state on the feature manager. Besides the flags you define on your feature class, the Feature base class will define a special NONE and an ALL value representing all flags turned off and all flags turned on. To register a state on the feature manager, set a FeatureState object on the manager which contains a type (e.g. debug_mode) and a value (an integer value representing one or more flags in the bit field).

Due to integer limits on 32-bit systems, you can define a maximum of 31 flags in a feature class.

The example below uses Pimcore's own DebugMode and DevMode flags to demonstrate the API of the feature manager.


// the code below could be added to startup.php, but you can this basically everywhere if it soon enough in the
// application bootstrap context

use Pimcore\FeatureToggles\Features\DebugMode;
use Pimcore\FeatureToggles\Features\DevMode;
use Pimcore\FeatureToggles\FeatureState;

$featureManager = Pimcore::getFeatureManager(); // or inject FeatureManagerInterface in a DI context

// enable selected features
$featureManager->setState(new FeatureState(

// enable everything, but exclude selected features
// ALL is dynamic, so instead of the constant, the magic method to build the enum
// instance needs to be used
$featureManager->setState(new FeatureState(
    DebugMode::ALL()->getValue() & ~DebugMode::DISABLE_HTTP_CACHE & ~DebugMode::MAGIC_PARAMS

// enable a single feature (this will overwrite previous calls)

// enable all flags by using the special ALL enum member

// disable all flags by using the special NONE enum member

// same logic applies to other feature sets

// query for a specific feature

// alternative method to build the feature instance (see https://github.com/myclabs/php-enum)
$featureManager->isEnabled(new DebugMode(DebugMode::MAGIC_PARAMS));

// get the current flag value (e.g. for merging)

// pimcore shortcuts to check for debug and dev flags

Pimcore ships a default FeatureState, but you can build your own with custom logic as long as it implements the FeatureStateInterface. For example, you could implement a feature state which activates certain features only during a given time span.

Migrating from existing Pimcore::inDebugMode() calls

As the debug mode isn't simply a boolean anymore, the call to \Pimcore::inDebugMode() without any arguments queries for the DebugMode::ALL() state with all debug features enabled. Always specify a specific flag instead to have the condition match the debug feature you need.

Create your own feature flags

First, create a feature class holding one or more flags:


// src/AppBundle/FeatureToggles/AppFeatures.php

namespace AppBundle\FeatureToggles;

use Pimcore\FeatureToggles\Feature;

 * This docblock adds type hints for IDEs as the enum class exposes
 * every flag as static factory method, e.g. AppFeatures::FEATURE_1().
 * @method static AppFeatures FEATURE_1()
 * @method static AppFeatures FEATURE_2()
 * @method static AppFeatures FEATURE_3()
 * @method static AppFeatures FEATURE_4()
class AppFeatures extends Feature
    // features must be powers of 2
    const FEATURE_1 = 1;
    const FEATURE_2 = 2;
    const FEATURE_3 = 4;
    const FEATURE_4 = 8;

    public static function getType(): string
        return 'app';

You can now set and query the features everwhere you need. As an example, in a controller:


namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use AppBundle\FeatureToggles\AppFeatures;
use Pimcore\FeatureToggles\FeatureManagerInterface;
use Pimcore\FeatureToggles\FeatureState;

class TestController
    public function testAction(FeatureManagerInterface $featureManager)
        // false

        // enable FEATURE_1 and FEATURE_2
        $featureManager->setState(new FeatureState(
            AppFeatures::FEATURE_1 | AppFeatures::FEATURE_2

        // true