Warning: You are browsing the documentation from version 4 to 10 of Pimcore. Please visit https://pimcore.com/docs/platform/ for the latest versions of Pimcore.

Add your own Dependencies and Packages

Pimcore manages itself all dependencies using composer and therefore you can add your own dependencies by using standard composer functionalities.

Basic Example

Use composer in your project root directory, eg.

composer require mtdowling/cron-expression

Third party bundles

You can install third party bundles via composer as shown above (as Pimcore is a standard Symfony application, you should be able to use any third-party Symfony bundle).

To load a bundle with the application, it must first be registered on the kernel (see bundles documentation). By default there's a registerBundles method on the AppKernel which is expected to return a list of bundles to load. As Pimcore defines a list of default bundles in its base kernel and priority can be important for config auto loading, the Pimcore Kernel exposes a registerBundlesToCollection method which allows to add bundles to a BundleCollection with an optional priority (higher priority is loaded first) and a list of environments to handle (e.g. load only in dev environment).

Bundles without a priority are registered with a default priority of 0. You can set a negative value if you need to set a priority lower than default.

As an example, register a third party bundle on the collection:


use Pimcore\HttpKernel\BundleCollection\BundleCollection;
use Pimcore\Kernel;

class AppKernel extends Kernel
     * Adds bundles to register to the bundle collection. The collection is able
     * to handle priorities and environment specific bundles.
     * @param BundleCollection $collection
    public function registerBundlesToCollection(BundleCollection $collection)
        if (class_exists('\\AppBundle\\AppBundle')) {
            $collection->addBundle(new \AppBundle\AppBundle);

        // add a custom third-party bundle here with a high priority and only for dev environment
        $collection->addBundle(new Third\Party\PartyBundle, 10, ['dev']);

You can read more about the bundle collection and handling of dependencies in Bundle Collection.

Pimcore Bundles

For more information see Pimcore Bundles.

Pimcore bundles can be registered on the kernel by enabling them in the extension manager. The extension manager also allows you to set a priority and environments to handle (as comma-separated string).

You can also enable pimcore bundles manually by adding them via code as shown above. Bundles which are manually enabled can't be enabled or disabled through the extension manager. Instead, the extension manager will only expose functionality to interact with the bundle installer (install/uninstall/update).

Version Checking

To avoid compatibility problems with plugins or custom components, that are compatible with a special Pimcore version only, Pimcore has following requirement pimcore/core-version that defines its current version:

    "require": {
        "pimcore/core-version": "5.0.0",

If your components have the same requirement to the versions they can work with, composer prevents you from installing your components to an unsupported version of Pimcore due to version conflicts to the requirement pimcore/core-version.