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Adding Document Editables

With bundles, it is also possible to add an individual Document Editable.

Previously, the only way to define editables was to create them in a special namespace Pimcore\Model\Document\Tag. This is still possible, but now editables can be in any namespace as long as the editable is correctly registered. Registration can be done via 2 config entries which define a list of prefixes (namespaces) to be searched and a static mapping from editable name to class name. For best performance, you should always use the class mapping as it avoids having to look up class names.

To register a new editable, you need to follow 3 steps:

1) Create the editable class

The editable must extend Pimcore\Model\Document\Tag. Lets create a Markdown editable (the namespace does not matter but it's best practice to put your editables into a Model\Document\Tag sub-namespace):

// src/AppBundle/Model/Document/Tag

namespace AppBundle\Model\Document\Tag;

class Markdown extends \Pimcore\Model\Document\Tag
    // methods as required by Pimcore\Model\Document\Tag and Pimcore\Model\Document\Tag\TagInterface

2) Register the editable on the editable map

Next we need to update pimcore.documents.tag.map configuration to include our editable. This can be done in any config file which is loaded (e.g. app/config/config.yml), but if you provide the editable with a bundle you should define it in a configuration file which is automatically loaded. Example:

# src/AppBundle/Resources/config/pimcore/config.yml

                markdown: \AppBundle\Model\Document\Tag\Markdown

3) Create frontend JS

For the frontend, a JavaScript class needs to be added pimcore.document.tags.mytag. It can extend any of the existing pimcore.document.tags and must return it's type by overwriting the function getType().

This JS file must be included in editmode. You can tell Pimcore to do so by implementing getEditmodeJsPaths() in your bundle class.