Warning: You are browsing the documentation from version 4 to 10 of Pimcore. Please visit https://pimcore.com/docs/platform/ for the latest versions of Pimcore.

Get your application up and running with the Compatibility Bridge of Pimcore 5

Pimcore 5 ships with a Compatibility Bridge that should enable Pimcore 5 to run Pimcore 4 applications with some file moves and minor code updates. This guide describes the steps needed in detail.

  • Migrate your filesystem

  • Install the compatibility bridge

    $ composer require pimcore/pimcore4-compatibility-bridge $ composer update

  • Probably you need to fix some of your Plugins - e.g. remove calls to $db->describeTable('tablename');

  • Add symlinks to static files, e.g.:

    • Add Symlink in /web/website to ../../legacy/website/static
    • Add Symlinks in /web/ to your static plugin directories
  • Change your Pimcore Documents to legacy mode with following DB statements and clear the Pimcore cache afterwards:

UPDATE documents_page SET legacy = 1; 
UPDATE documents_snippet SET legacy = 1;
  • Start Pimcore backend in your browser (<yourdomain>/admin).

  • Change StaticRoutes to legacy mode by opening static routes dialog and ticking the legacy checkbox

  • Activate debug mode again (if it was activated) in system settings.

  • Reconfigure e-mail sending settings in system settings

  • If you were still using Zend_Date in your application using the flag useZendDate in your system.php, you have to enable the support in app/config/config.yml by setting pimcore -> flags -> zend_date to true.

Now your application should be up and running again with the Compatibility Bridge and the old ZF1 stack. The next step would be to migrate the application step by step to new Symfony stack to take advantage of the full power of Pimcore 5.

Additional steps if you are using the old EcommerceFramework Plugin

The EcommerceFramework Plugin is now integrated into Pimcore 5 core. To migrate ecommerce applications that use the old EcommerceFramework Plugin (latest release), following additional steps are needed:

  • Remove EcommerceFramework Plugin from /legacy/plugins folder.
  • Add following lines to the extensions.php
    "bundle" => [
        "Pimcore\\Bundle\\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\\PimcoreEcommerceFrameworkBundle" => TRUE,
  • Move OnlineShopConfig.php (and all sub files) to /app/config/pimcore and rename it to EcommerceFrameworkConfig.php
  • Modify EcommerceFrameworkConfig.php:
    • change root node onlineshop to ecommerceframework
    • change defaultlocale to defaultCurrency and enter ISO code of currency.
    • adapt all file sections to new paths of sub files (relative to /app/config/pimcore).
  • Run following database updates:
RENAME TABLE plugin_onlineshop_cart TO ecommerceframework_cart; 
RENAME TABLE plugin_onlineshop_cartcheckoutdata TO ecommerceframework_cartcheckoutdata; 
RENAME TABLE plugin_onlineshop_cartitem TO ecommerceframework_cartitem; 
RENAME TABLE plugin_onlineshop_pricing_rule TO ecommerceframework_pricing_rule; 
RENAME TABLE plugins_onlineshop_vouchertoolkit_reservations TO ecommerceframework_vouchertoolkit_reservations;
RENAME TABLE plugins_onlineshop_vouchertoolkit_statistics TO ecommerceframework_vouchertoolkit_statistics;
RENAME TABLE plugins_onlineshop_vouchertoolkit_tokens TO ecommerceframework_vouchertoolkit_tokens;

UPDATE translations_admin SET `key` = REPLACE(`key`, 'plugin_onlineshop_', 'bundle_ecommerce_') WHERE `key` LIKE 'plugin_onlineshop%';
UPDATE users_permission_definitions SET `key` = REPLACE(`key`, 'plugin_onlineshop_', 'bundle_ecommerce_');
UPDATE users SET permissions = REPLACE(`permissions`, 'plugin_onlineshop_', 'bundle_ecommerce_');

-- possibly you need to update some of these tables (or additional product index tables) too - depends on you configuration 
RENAME TABLE plugin_onlineshop_productindex TO ecommerceframework_productindex; 
RENAME TABLE plugin_onlineshop_productindex_relations TO ecommerceframework_productindex_relations; 
RENAME TABLE plugin_onlineshop_productindex_store TO ecommerceframework_productindex_store; 
RENAME TABLE plugin_onlineshop_optimized_productindex TO ecommerceframework_optimized_productindex; 
RENAME TABLE plugin_onlineshop_optimized_productindex_relations TO ecommerceframework_optimized_productindex_relations;
  • migrate translations for order backoffice to adminTranslations
  • extend your payment page with following or a similar snippet if needed:
<?php if ($form instanceof \Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface) { ?>
    <p><img src="https://www.wirecard.at/fileadmin/templates/images/wirecard-logo.png"/></p>

    <p><?= $this->translate('checkout.payment.txt') ?></p>

        $form->add('submitbutton', \Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\SubmitType::class, ['attr' => ['class' => 'btn btn-primary'], 'label' => $this->translate('checkout.payment.paynow')]);
        $container = \Pimcore::getContainer();
        echo $container->get('templating.helper.form')->form($form->getForm()->createView());

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {

<?php } else if ($form instanceof \Zend_Form) { ?>
  • run assets:install command in order to update symlinks in web/bundles folder
  • migrate content of app/config/pimcore/di.php to app/config/config.yml, see Overriding Models for details.