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Pimcore Workflow Management Migration

With Pimcore 5.5 Pimcore Workflow Management was refactored to use Symfony workflow component. Old workflows are not supported anymore, old workflows will not work anymore and need to be migrated to the new Pimcore Workflow Management.

For details about features and configuration options see Workflow Management Docs.

Migration of Configuration

Old php configuration files are not deleted by Pimcore, they are just ignored. New configuration takes place in Symfony configuration tree in pimcore namespace.

Conceptual changes
Concept before Pimcore 5.5 Concept in Pimcore 5.5
state There is no matching concept for states. Use places instead, config option for colors also moved to places.
status Use places for defining the workflow steps.
actions Use transitions for defining actions and place transitions.
transitionDefinitions Is part of the transition definition now.
Here is an overview of what can be migrated how:
Configuration before Pimcore 5.5 Configuration in Pimcore 5.5
'name' => 'A friendly name' Use label in workflow definition for a friendly name.
'id' => 1, There is no numerical ID anymore. The key of the workflow definition defines the unique workflow name.
'workflowSubject' => ... Use supports for simple definitions and supports_strategy for more advanced subject criteria.
'defaultStatus' => 'todo' Use initial_place in workflow definition.
'allowUnpublished'=> true, Use supports_strategy for more advanced subject criteria.
'states' => [ ... No matching concept, use places instead. Color config also moved to places.
'statuses' => [ ... Use places now.
'statuses' => [[ 'elementPublished' Use changePublishedState option in transition definition.
'actions' => [ ... Use transitions now.
'actions' => [[ 'name' => 'start_progress' Unique name defined by the key of a transition.
'actions' => [[ 'label' => 'Start Progress' Use label option in options array of transition definition.
'actions' => [[ 'transitionTo' => [ ... ] Use to option of transition definition.
'actions' => [[ 'notes' => [ ... ] Use notes option in options array of transition definition.
'actions' => [[ 'additionalFields' => [ ... ] Use notes.additionalFields option in options array of transition definition.
'actions' => [[ 'users' => [ ... ] Use guard option in transition definition. There advanced definitions of who and when an transition is allowed can be configured.
'actions' => [[ 'events' => [ ... ] See events section later.
'actions' => [[ 'notificationUsers' => [ ... ] Use notifyUsers and notifyRoles option in options.notificationSettings array of transition definition. Important: Now names are used instead of IDs.
'transitionDefinitions' => [ ... Use from option of transition definition.
'transitionDefinitions' => [[ 'globalActions' => [ ... ] Use globalActions in workflow definition.
Event before Pimcore 5.5 Event in Pimcore 5.5
pimcore.workflowmanagement.preAction Use workflow.leave (see Symfony Workflow Events for details) or pimcore.workflow.preGlobalAction for global actions.
pimcore.workflowmanagement.postAction Use workflow.completed (see Symfony Workflow Events for details) or pimcore.workflow.postGlobalAction for global actions.
pimcore.workflowmanagement.preReturnAvailableActions Use workflow.[workflow name].guard.[transition name] (see Symfony Guard Events for details).
pimcore.workflowmanagement.action.before Use workflow.[workflow name].leave.[place name] (see Symfony Workflow Events for details).
pimcore.workflowmanagement.action.success Use workflow.[workflow name].completed.[transition name] (see Symfony Workflow Events for details).
pimcore.workflowmanagement.action.failure Symfony workflow module has no corresponding event as exceptions are thrown to outside world.

Migration of Workflow Status Information

Besides the configuration, also the status information for existing elements needs to be migrated. Since the migration task is depending on the new configuration, it cannot be done automatically.

Here is what Pimcore provides and what steps need to be done manually:

  • The Pimcore migration adds additional columns to the element_workflow_state table
    • place: name of the place an element is currently in
    • workflow: name of the workflow
  • Following columns of the element_workflow_state table are deprecated now, but Pimcore DOES NOT remove them (for data migration purposes)
    • workflowId
    • state
    • status
  • For migrating status information,
    • all data in workflowId needs to be migrated to workflow - convert from workflow id to a workflow name
    • manually delete workflowId column, or set value to 0 for every record.
    • all data in status need to be migrated to place - ideally all places in the new configuration are called the same as the status were in the old configuration, then it is just a copy from one to the other column.

Additional System Requirements

To render the graph in workflow overview, graphviz is needed as additional system requirement.