Like Pricing Rules, also vouchers are supported out of the box by the framework. To use vouchers, following steps are necessary:
- Create an
object. - Create tokens based on the
. - Create a Pricing Rule for the
and define the benefit of the voucher. - Allow the user to add a token to his cart.
- Display voucher information to user.
Create an OnlineShopVoucherSeries
A voucher series contains basic information of the voucher and settings for creating the voucher tokens. It is
represented by OnlineShopVoucherSeries
objects. The corresponding class is added to the system during installation
of the E-Commerce Framework.
Currently there are two types of vouchers supported - Single and Pattern.
- Single: One single token is defined that can be used multiple times.
- Pattern: Tokens are generated based on a certain pattern definition.
Create tokens based on the OnlineShopVoucherSeries
In the Pimcore Backend UI, each OnlineShopVoucherSeries
object has an additional tab for managing the voucher tokens.
Depending on the token type there are different functions for managing the tokens and some statistics concerning the voucher.
- Simple: 'Activate' the token and specify how often it may be used.
- Pattern: Create tokens based on the defined pattern, export created tokens as csv and get an overview of created tokens
and their usages.
Create a Pricing Rule for the OnlineShopVoucherSeries
Once a voucher series is defined and tokens are created, a pricing rule has to define the benefits of the voucher. To do so, a special condition allows to specify the voucher series the pricing rule should be valid for. As action all available actions for pricing rules can be used.
The voucher token condition also can contain an error message, that can be shown if voucher token is added to cart, but not all other conditions of the pricing rule are met.
Allow the User to Add a Token to his Cart
A voucher token is always applied to a cart. To do so, use following snippet.
if ($token = strip_tags($request->get('voucher-code', ''))) {
try {
$success = $cart->addVoucherToken($token);
if ($success) {
$this->addFlash('success', $translator->trans('cart.voucher-code-added'));
} else {
$this->addFlash('danger', $translator->trans('cart.voucher-code-cound-not-be-added'));
} catch (VoucherServiceException $e) {
$this->addFlash('danger', $translator->trans('cart.error-voucher-code-' . $e->getCode()));
Error Codes of Exceptions thrown
Code | Description |
1 | Token already in use. |
2 | Token already reserved. |
3 | Token reservation not possible. |
4 | No token for this code exists. |
5 | Criteria oncePerCart: Token of same series already in cart. |
6 | Criteria onlyTokenPerCart: Tokens in cart and tried to add token of type "only". |
7 | Criteria onlyTokenPerCart: Token of type "only" already in cart. |
8 | No more usages for a single token. |
8 | Token code not found in cart. |
Display Voucher Information
Since benefits for vouchers are defined via pricing rules, no special actions are needed to display them. They are just displayed the same way as all other Pricing Rules.
Another consequence of defining the benefits of vouchers via pricing rules is, that additional criteria (like date range etc.)
can be defined to be required to get the benefits. To get all necessary detail information about vouchers, use
of the cart or the voucher service. This method returns an array of PricingManagerTokenInformation
for each added token with following information:
- Voucher Token
- Token Object
- List of applied pricing rules that require the given voucher token.
- List of not applied pricing rules that would take the given voucher token into account but are not applied because some other conditions are not met.
- List of error messages that are defined in voucher token conditions of all pricing rules that would take the given voucher token into account but are not applied because some other conditions are not met.
- Flag that indicates if no pricing rules are defined for the given voucher token at all.
See an sample snippet to display the voucher information to the customer:
<form method="post" action="{{ path('shop-cart-apply-voucher') }}" class="card p-2 mb-4">
{% if (cart.pricingManagerTokenInformationDetails | length > 0) %}
<ul class="list-group pb-3">
{% for codeInfo in cart.pricingManagerTokenInformationDetails %}
<li class="list-group-item">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-10" style="padding-top: 4px">
<div>{{ codeInfo.tokenCode }}</div>
{% if (codeInfo.errorMessages | length) > 0 %}
<small class="text-muted">{{ codeInfo.errorMessages | join(', ') }}</small>
{% endif %}
{% if (codeInfo.noValidRule) %}
<small class="text-muted">{{ 'cart.voucher-no-rule' | trans }}</small>
{% endif %}
<div class="col-2">
<a href="{{ path('shop-cart-remove-voucher', {'voucher-code': codeInfo.tokenCode}) }}" class="btn btn-outline-danger btn-sm">
<i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="input-group">
<input name="voucher-code" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="{{ 'cart.voucher-code' | trans }}">
<div class="input-group-append">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-secondary">{{ 'cart.apply-voucher-code' | trans }}</button>