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Version: 2024.3

Static Page Generator

Pimcore offers a Static Page Generator service, which is used to generate HTML pages from Pimcore documents. This generator service works by taking a Pimcore document with content and templates and renders them into a full HTML page, that can served directly from the server without the intervention of templating engine.

Enable Static Page generator for a Document

To enable automatic static page generation on document save or by CLI command, go to Document -> Settings -> Satic Page Generator. Static Page SettingsStatic Page SettingsStatic Page Settings

Mark enable checkbox and define optional lifetime for static pages (which regenerates static page after lifetime) and save document.

Once, the static page generator is enabled, the document icon changes to grey icon: Static Page DetailStatic Page DetailStatic Page Detail

and last generated information is displayed in document settings, when the generation is requested from frontend or cli command. Static Page DetailStatic Page DetailStatic Page Detail

In addition, if you are using default local storage for static pages, then make sure your project .htaccess has this below section (after the # Thumbnails section), which is responsible for looking up static page before passing to templating engine.

# static pages
SetEnvIf Request_URI ^(.*)$ STATIC_PAGE_URI=$1
SetEnvIf Request_URI / STATIC_PAGE_URI=/%home

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !(pimcore_editmode=true|pimcore_preview|pimcore_version)
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/var/tmp/pages%{STATIC_PAGE_URI}.html -f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /var/tmp/pages%{STATIC_PAGE_URI}.html [PT,L]

If you are using NGINX as web server, this must be added before the server block

map $args $static_page_root {
default /var/tmp/pages;
"~*(^|&)pimcore_editmode=true(&|$)" /var/nonexistent;
"~*(^|&)pimcore_preview=true(&|$)" /var/nonexistent;
"~*(^|&)pimcore_version=[^&]+(&|$)" /var/nonexistent;

map $uri $static_page_uri {
default $uri;
"/" /%home;

and the following modification must be done to the location block that matches all requests

server {

location / {
error_page 404 /meta/404;
try_files $static_page_root$static_page_uri.html $uri /index.php$is_args$args;



Once the static generator option is enabled, Pimcore generates static pages on following actions:

  • First request to the page, after updating and saving the document in admin.
  • Maintenance job
  • CLI command

In background, maintenance job takes care of generating static pages for documents on regular intervals. However, you can also use CLI command to generate static pages on demand: php bin/console pimcore:documents:generate-static-pages

also, you can filter the documents by parent path, which should processed for static generation: php bin/console pimcore:documents:generate-static-pages -p /en/Magazine


If you want to add NGINX SSI module for generating the static pages, you can add following config:

- { name: "Surrogate-Capability", value: 'device="SSI/1.0"' }

Now the maintenance command can generate SSI includes in the static files like a normal page load.


By default, Pimcore stores the generated HTML pages on local path: 'document_root/public/var/tmp/pages'.

It is possible to customize the local storage path for static pages by defining Flysystem config in config.yaml:

# Storage for generated static document pages, e.g. .html files generated out of Pimcore documents
# which are then delivered directly by the web-server
adapter: 'local'
visibility: public
directory: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/var/tmp/pages'

Static Page Generate Router

In case, you are using custom remote storage for static pages and need to serve pages from this remote location, then you would need to enable the static page router with following configuration in config.yaml:

enabled: true
route_pattern: '@^/(en/Magazine|de/Magazin)@'
enabledSet it true to enable Static Page Router
route_patternRegular expression to match routes for static page rendering

Use Static Page HTML files with mainDomain instead path

Enable the main domain option to get the static pages with starting main domain instead of the keys from Pimcore documents.

use_main_domain: true
use_main_domainUse tmp path like /public/var/tmp/pages/

NGINX Config Changes:

map $args $static_page_root {
default /var/tmp/pages/$host;
"~*(^|&)pimcore_editmode=true(&|$)" /var/nonexistent;
"~*(^|&)pimcore_preview=true(&|$)" /var/nonexistent;
"~*(^|&)pimcore_version=[^&]+(&|$)" /var/nonexistent;

map $uri $static_page_uri {
default $uri;
"/" /%home;

Static Page Generation With Ajax Request

The static pages with XMLHttpRequest fetches the data and displays it on the page, just like a standard document page. However, if you are using the Fetch API to request the data, then must add the XMLHttpRequest header as shown below, otherwise the sub-request will replace the content of the generated static page.

fetch('/test/page', {
headers: {
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',