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Version: 2024.3

Additional Tools Installation

Pimcore uses some 3rd party applications for certain functionalities, such as video transcoding (FFMPEG), image optimization (advpng, cjpeg, ...), and many others. For a full list of additional tools required or recommended for Pimcore, please visit Pimcore System Requirements.

The installation of some of the tools is covered in this guide and should work at least on every Debian based Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, ...). For other Linux distributions you might have to adopt some commands to your platform-specific environment, but we try to use as many statically linked software as possible, that can be used on any x64 Linux platform.

It's important that all tools (incl. composer) are added to the $PATH env. variable, so that Pimcore is able to find the executables. If you're not able to control the $PATH variable, you can also manually configure the paths for each application.


Please visit the official install guide for Composer:


Please keep in mind that many Linux/GNU distributions ship FFMPEG only with free codecs, so they do not support commonly used video codecs such as mpeg4 and many others.

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

PDF Generation

It's possible to either choose to install LibreOffice/Chromium or to use them via Gotenberg (Docker-powered API).

LibreOffice, pdftotext, Inkscape, ...

apt-get install libreoffice libreoffice-script-provider-python libreoffice-math xfonts-75dpi poppler-utils inkscape libxrender1 libfontconfig1 ghostscript


To install it, please add it in your Docker Compose services stack as

Configure the Docker services accordingly:

  • pimcore.gotenberg.base_url which by default to http://gotenberg:3000
  • pimcore.documents.preview_url_prefix for example to http://nginx:80

Make sure to add and install the required library via composer:

composer require gotenberg/gotenberg-php ^2.0

Chromium (Chrome Headless) - deprecated

Chromium is used to generate previews of document pages. This functionality is now also provided by Gotenberg, therefore Chromium support has been deprecated in favour of Gotenberg.

First of all, you need to add and install the required library via composer:

composer require chrome-php/chrome

You can then directly install and use the Chromium binary locally or use it in Docker Container, accessing it via WebSocket connection.


Please follow the steps on for installing Chromium locally.


Add a new service as:

image: browserless/chrome

and set accordingly:

  • config pimcore.chromium.uri value (e.g. ws://chrome:3000/)
  • web2print settings hostUrl as the Docker web server service (e.g. http://nginx:80)

Image Optimizers


wget -O /usr/local/bin/jpegoptim
chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/jpegoptim


apt-get install pngquant


apt-get install optipng


apt-get install libimage-exiftool-perl


Install webp for WebP-Support

apt-get install webp


Install graphviz for Workflow

apt-get install graphviz

Check your installation (requires pimcore/system-info-bundle package)

You can check system requirements via Admin UI Tools / System Info & Tools / System-Requirements Check menu.

Or via following CLI command:

bin/console pimcore:system:requirements:check