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Version: 2024.4

Pimcore Mail

The Pimcore\Mail Class extends the Symfony\Component\Mime\Email Class and adds some features for the usage with Pimcore.

If email settings are configured in your config/config.yaml then on initializing Pimcore\Mail object, these settings applied automatically. It is required to configure email settings prior to using Pimcore\Mail.

The Pimcore\Mail Class automatically takes care of the nasty stuff (embedding CSS, normalizing URLs and Twig expressions ...). Note that all CSS files are embedded to the html with a <style> tag because the image paths are also normalized.

Useful Methods

disableLogging()Disables email logging - by default it is enabled
setParams(array)Sets the parameters to the request object and the Twig engine
setParam($key, $value)Sets a single parameter to the request object and the Twig engine
isValidEmailAddress(emailAddress)Static helper to validate a email address
setDocument(Document_Email)Sets the email document
getDocument()Returns the Document
getSubjectRendered()Renders the content as a Twig template with the provided params and returns the resulting Subject
getBodyHtmlRendered()Renders the content as a Twig template with the content and returns the resulting HTML
getBodyTextRendered()Renders the content as a Twig template with the content and returns the resulting text if a text was set with $mail->text(). If no text was set, a text version on the html email will be automatically created

Usage Example

$params = ['firstName' => 'Pim', 'lastName' => 'Core', 'product' => 73613];

//sending an email document (pimcore document)
$mail = new \Pimcore\Mail();

// sending a text-mail

$mail = new \Pimcore\Mail();
$mail->text("This is just plain text");

// Sending a rich text (HTML) email with Twig expressions
$mail = new \Pimcore\Mail();
'myParam' => 'Just a simple text'
$mail->html("<b>some</b> rich text: {{ myParam }}");

//adding an asset as attachment
if($asset instanceof Asset) {
$mail->attach($asset->getData(), $asset->getFilename(), $asset->getMimeType());

//Embedding Images
$mail = new \Pimcore\Mail();

$mail->embed($asset->getData(), 'logo', $asset->getMimeType());
$mail->embedFromPath($asset->getRealFullPath(), 'logo', $asset->getMimeType());

$mail->html("Embedded Image: <img src='cid:logo'>"); //image name(passed second argument in embed) as ref