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Version: 2024.4

Pimcore Bundles

Pimcore bundles follow the same rules as normal bundles, but need to implement Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\PimcoreBundleInterface in order to show up in the pimcore:bundle:list command. This gives you the following possibilities:

  • The bundle shows up in the pimcore:bundle:list command with info, if bundle can be installed or uninstalled.
  • The bundle can be installed with pimcore:bundle:install command or uninstall with pimcore:bundle:uninstall command to trigger the installation/uninstallation, for example to install/update database structure.
  • The bundle adds methods to natively register JS and CSS files to be loaded with the admin interface and in editmode.

To get started quickly, you can extend Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\AbstractPimcoreBundle which already implements all methods defined by the interface.

If you need to load assets (JS or CSS) in the Admin or Editmode UI please have a look at the loading assets in the Admin UI section in the docs.


By default, a Pimcore bundle does not define any installation or update routines, but you can use the getInstaller() method to return an instance of a Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\Installer\InstallerInterface. If a bundle returns an installer instance, this installer will be used by the command pimcore:bundle:install to allow installation/uninstallation.

The install method can be used to create database tables and do other initial tasks. The uninstall method should make sure to undo all these things. The installer is also the right place to check for requirements such as minimum Pimcore version or read/write permissions on the filesystem.

Read more in Installers.

Composer bundles

If you provide your bundle via composer, it won't be automatically found. To include your package directory to the list of scanned paths, please set the package type of your package to pimcore-bundle. Additionally, if you set the specific bundle name through the pimcore.bundles composer extra config no filesystem scanning will be done which will have a positive effect on the bundle lookup performance.

Whenever you can, you should explicitly set the bundle class name through the extra config.

An example of a composer.json defining a Pimcore bundle:

"name": "myVendor/myBundleName",
"type": "pimcore-bundle",
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"MyBundleName\\": ""
"extra": {
"pimcore": {
"bundles": [

Returning the composer package version

Pimcore provides a Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\Traits\PackageVersionTrait which you can include in your bundle. The trait includes a getComposerPackageName method which will return the name defined in your composer.json file.

If you want to change the default behavior, all you need to do is to override the getComposerPackageName method returning the name of your composer package (e.g. company/foo-bundle):



namespace Company\FooBundle;

use Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\AbstractPimcoreBundle;
use Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\Traits\PackageVersionTrait;

class FooBundle extends AbstractPimcoreBundle
use PackageVersionTrait;

protected function getComposerPackageName(): string
// getVersion() will use this name to read the version from
// PackageVersions and return a normalized value
return 'company/foo-bundle';