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Version: 2024.4

Data Object Grid

Data Object grids are used for all data object data pools in the portals. The actual available features of the data object grid depend on the configuration of the data object data pool. See data object pool configuration for details.

Data Object GridData Object GridData Object Grid

The data object grid provides two options for navigating through the data objects:

  • Navigation via Pimcore folder structure: The folder tree is based on Pimcore folder structure and depending on data pool workspace definition and user permissions. Clicking on a folder shows all elements located in this folder and any sub folders.
  • Navigation via Pimcore tags: The tag navigation is based on a sub tree of the Pimcore tags tree. The root tag for the tag navigation is defined via data pool configuration. If user selects multiple tags, the result set contains all elements that have all selected tags assigned.


In addition to the navigation options, the data object grid also supports filters to further filter the result set. The filters allow filtering based on system and data attributes of the data object and need to be configured. Single or multi select filter are available.

Data Object FiltersData Object FiltersData Object Filters


The data object grid provides two views:

  • Grid-View: Shows big preview and name of the data object in a grid like view.
  • List-View:
    • Shows only a small preview of the data object and additional attributes in a table like view.
    • The attributes can be system and data attributes and need to be configured in data pool configuration.
    • Only available when attributes are configured in data pool configuration.

Data Object Grid ListData Object Grid ListData Object Grid List

Element Actions

Each element of the grid provides depending on configuration and user permissions a couple of actions. The actions can be applied on single elements and a selection of elements.

Add to Collection

Adds currently selected element(s) to a collection. The modal allows selecting an existing collection or create a new collection to add the element(s) to. See collections for details.

Add To CollectionAdd To CollectionAdd To Collection

Add to Download Cart

Adds currently selected element(s) to download cart. The modal allows specifying download format for structured data and for each asset relation of the data object if and in what format it should be included to the download cart item. See download cart for details.

Add To CartAdd To CartAdd To Cart

(Mass) Download

Directly download selected element(s). The modal allows specifying download format for structured data and for each asset relation of the data object if and in what format it should be included to the download cart item. Depending on the amount of the downloaded elements, the action starts a background tasks for preparing the ZIP for downloading.


Public Share

Public share selected element(s). See public share fore details.