Customer Save Manager
The customer save manager is responsible for all actions/hooks which are executed when a customer object is saved. It consists of several parts:
Customer Save Handlers
Customer save handlers special PHP classes that are executed when a customer gets saved and can be used to normalize, validate, optimize or modify customers on save.
Customer save handlers need to be registered as symfony services with the tag "cmf.customer_save_handler"
So it is possible to add multiple customer save handlers to one project. Take a look at the
for how to implement them. The interface consists of methods for each Pimcore object event (preAdd
, preUpdate
Additionally it is possible to get the original customer object from the database. This is handy to compare if some fields got changed.
Example service definition
class: CustomerManagementFrameworkBundle\CustomerSaveHandler\NormalizeZip
tags: [cmf.customer_save_handler]
Built in customer save handlers
The CMF offers the following customer save handlers out of the box. They are all located in the namespace
and need to be enabled as services by adding
a corresponding service with the tag cmf.customer_save_handler
to the container. Also have a look at their constructors
to see possible configuration options.
Removes invalid characters from an email field.
Tries to normalize zip numbers. For example A-1010 would become 1010. It offers zip correction regexes for several countries. It would be possible to extend the logic for other countries.