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Version: 2024.2

Create a Custom Backend Adapter

To create a custom backend adapter, you need to follow two steps:

  1. Create a new PHP class for your custom backend adapter;
  2. Add the adapter class to the mapping.

Create the PHP Class

You must define getAdapterValues function that return the adapter's value while extending \Pimcore\Bundle\BackendPowerToolsBundle\Adapter\AlternativeElementTree\AbstractObjectAdapter:


namespace App\Adapter\AlternativeElementTree;

class CustomAdapter extends \Pimcore\Bundle\BackendPowerToolsBundle\Adapter\AlternativeElementTree\AbstractObjectAdapter
// start implementing
public function getAdapterValues(): ?string

Add the Adapter Type to the Mapping

The last step is to add the adapter type to the mapping. This can be done in the config.yaml of your bundle.

input: #= the datatype of the corresponding class field
frontend: SimpleValueAdapter
backend: App\Adapter\AlternativeElementTree\CustomAdapter