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Version: 2024.4

Technical Details

Migration of existing Data

To add metadata collections to assets based on existing metadata, use following command. It will check for existing metadata entries if they have a prefix like License.something and then adds the corresponding collection (in this case License) to the asset.

php bin/console asset-metadata-class-definitions:populate

Assign collections to an asset programmatically

To assign metadata collections to assets, use the Collections model as follows:

$col = new Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\Model\Collections();

// assign Asset ID
// or assign Asset directly
$asset = new \Pimcore\Model\Asset();

$col->setCollections(["License", "Credits"]);

// either only apply collections to asset without saving it

// or apply collection to asset and save the asset right away

// setting metadata attributes it self is the same as with standard metadata
$asset = Pimcore\Model\Asset::getById(290);
$asset->addMetadata('CarImages.title', 'input', $title, $language);

Get collections from an asset programmatically

$asset = Pimcore\Model\Asset::getById(290); 
$collections = \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\Model\Collections::getByAssetId($asset->getId());
$collectionNames = $collections->getCollections();

Add a definition programmatically

$configuration = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\Model\Configuration();

$panel = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\Model\ClassDefinition\Layout\Panel();
$panel->setTitle("panel title");

$input = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\Model\ClassDefinition\Data\Input();

