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Version: 2024.4



This bundle is only supported on Pimcore Core Framework 11.


To install and activate the Light Theme for Admin UI, follow the three steps below:

  1. Install the required dependencies:
composer require pimcore/admin-ui-classic-light-theme-bundle
  1. Make sure the bundle is enabled in the config/bundles.php file. The following lines should be added:
// ...
return [
// ...
Pimcore\Bundle\AdminUiClassicLightThemeBundle\PimcoreAdminUiClassicLightThemeBundle::class => ['all' => true],
// ...
  1. Install assets:
# eventually add --symlink to symlink resources instead of copying them
bin/console assets:install

As soon as the bundle is enabled, the light theme is active. No further configuration needed.