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Version: 2024.4

Workflow Management


Pimcore Workflow Management provides configuration of multiple workflows on Pimcore elements (assets, documents, data objects) to support data maintenance processes, element life cycles and various other processes.

It is based on the Symfony workflow component and extends it with a few Pimcore specific features. So, before using Pimcore Workflow Management it makes sense to know the basics of Symfony workflow component.


Workflow A workflow is a model of a process an element in Pimcore goes through. It consists of places, transitions, a marking store, global actions and a couple of additional configuration options. Each element can be in multiple workflows simultaneously.

Workflow Type 'Workflow' Workflow type workflow describes the default type of workflows and allows to model a workflow net which is a subclass of a petri net. It models a process of an element and allows multiple places simultaneously for this element.

Workflow Type 'State Machine' A state machine is a subset of a workflow and its purpose is to hold a state of your model. The most important restriction is that a state machine cannot be in more than one place simultaneously. For further details see also Symfony docs.

Place A place is a step in the workflow and describes a characteristic or a status of an element - for example in progress, product attributes defined, copyright available, element ready for publish, etc.
Depending on the place an element may appear in a specific view (e.g. custom layout for data objects) and may have certain special permissions (e.g. finished elements cannot be modified anymore).

Marking Store The marking store stores the current place(s) for each element. Pimcore ships with a couple of stores that can be configured in workflow configuration.

Transition A transition describes the action to get from one place to another. Transitions are allowed (or not) depending on additional criteria (transition guards) and may require additional notes and information entered by user.

Transition Guard Define criteria that define if a transition is currently allowed or not.

Global Action While transitions are only available when the element is in a certain place, global actions are available at every place. Besides that, they are very similar to transitions.


The workflow configuration takes place in the Symfony configuration tree in the Pimcore namespace. For details of configuration options see inline comments and documentation (call command bin/console config:dump-reference PimcoreCoreBundle) or Configuration Details.


The Pimcore workflow management fires several events that can be used to customize and extend functionality. For details see Working with PHP API.

User Notifications

Notifications (via email or Pimcore notifications) can be configured to be sent to users when an transition takes place. To do this simply specify an array of user(s) or role(s) that you would like to be notified in options section of the transition definition.

Roles will send an notification to every user with that role.

# A symfony expression can be configured here. All sets of notification which are matching the condition will be used.
condition: "" # optional some condition that should apply for this notification setting to be executed

# Send a email notification to a list of users (user names) when the transition get's applied
notifyUsers: ['admin']

# Send a email notification to a list of user roles (role names) when the transition get's applied
notifyRoles: ['projectmanagers', 'admins']

# Define which channel notification should be sent to, possible values "mail" and "pimcore_notification", default value is "mail".
- mail
- pimcore_notification

# Type of mail source.
mailType: 'template' # this is the default value, One of "template"; "pimcore_document"

# Path to mail source - either Symfony path to template or fullpath to Pimcore document.
# Optional use %%_locale%% as placeholder for language.
mailPath: '@PimcoreCore/Workflow/NotificationEmail/notificationEmail.html.twig' #this is the value

Multiple notification settings with conditions allow sophisticated notifications to be configured for each transition. To customize the e-mail template, following options are available:

  • Overwrite the template @PimcoreCore/Workflow/NotificationEmail/notificationEmail.html.twig or configure your own template path in settings. Default parameters available in the template are subjectType, subject, action, workflow, workflowName, deeplink, note_description, translator, lang. If additional parameters are required, overwrite the service Pimcore\Workflow\Notification\NotificationEmailService.

  • Configure a Pimcore Mail Document and use full power of Pimcore Mail Documents, with Controller, Action, Placeholders, etc. In the mail document same parameters as above are available.

  • If more custom notifications are necessary, use custom event listeners.

Workflow History

In the "Notes & Events" tab, there is a list with every action used on the object via the Workflow module.

Notes & Events - notes from the workflowNotes & Events - notes from the workflowNotes & Events - notes from the workflow

Workflow Overview

If workflows are configured for a Pimcore element, an additional tab with workflow details like all configured workflows, their current places and a workflow graph is added to Pimcore element detail page.

Workflow OverviewWorkflow OverviewWorkflow Overview

To render the graph, graphviz is needed as additional system requirement.