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Search Modifiers

Search modifiers can influence the search results by modifying the search query. They can be used to filter, sort or aggregate the search results.

Search modifiers can be added to the search via the addModifier() method of the search object.

$search->addModifier(new ParentIdFilter(1))

Available Search Modifiers


ModifierModifier CategoryDescription
IdFilterBasic filtersFilter by element ID
IdsFilterBasic filtersFilter by multiple element IDs
IntegerFilterBasic filtersFilter integer fields based on the value with PQL field name resolution support
ExcludeFoldersFilterBasic filtersExclude folders from search result
ParentIdsFilterTree related filtersFilter by parent ID
PathFilterTree related filtersFilter by path (depending on use case for all levels or direct children only and with or without the parent item included)
TagFilterTree related filtersFilter by tag IDs (it is also possible to include child tags)
AssetMetaDataFilterAsset filtersFilter by asset meta data attribute. The format of the $data which needs to be passed depends on the type of the meta data attribute and is handled by its field definition adapter.
WorkspaceQueryWorkspace related filtersFilter based on the user workspaces and permissions for a defined element type (this query is added to the asset/document/data object search by default)
ElementWorkspacesQueryWorkspace related filtersFilter based on the user workspaces and permissions respecting all element types (this query is added to the element search by default)
MultiSelectFilterField type filtersFilter text fields by a list of exact strings. Supports PQL field name resolution.
DateFilterField type filtersFilter date fields based on an exact date or a range of dates. Supports PQL field name resolution.

Full Text Search Queries

ModifierModifier CategoryDescription
ElementKeySearchFull text searchSearch by element key like in the studio UI with wildcard support.
FullTextSearchFull text searchSearch on all element fields by value with simple query string syntax for OpenSearch or Elasticsearch.
WildcardSearchFull text searchFilter text fields based on search terms with wildcard support and PQL field name resolution support.


ModifierModifier CategoryDescription
RequiresFilterDependenciesGet all elements which the given element requires.
RequiredByFilterDependenciesGet all elements which are required by the given element.

Query Language

ModifierModifier CategoryDescription
PqlFilterQuery LanguageApply a Pimcore Query Language (PQL) condition.

Sort Modifiers

If multiple sort modifiers are added to the search, the order of the modifiers is important. The search result will be sorted by the first added modifier first, then by the second added modifier and so on.

ModifierModifier CategoryDescription
OrderByFullPathTree related sortingOrder by full path (including element key)
OrderByFieldField based sortingOrder by given field name.
If $enablePqlFieldNameResolution is set to true (default) Pimcore Query Language field name resolution logic is enabled. Therefore it's possible to use short field names then instead of specifying the full indexed path.
OrderByPageNumberSearch related sortingUse inverted search for large amounts of data (this modifier is added to the search when there are at least 1000 results by default, and page number is above the half of total pages. Furthermore, existing sorting has to be already applied.)
OrderByIndexFieldSearch related sortingOrder by object tree index for custom tree sorting. This modifier is currently applied only for data objects!


ModifierModifier CategoryDescription
ChildrenCountAggregationTree related aggregationGet children counts for given element IDs.
AssetMetaDataAggregationAssetsUsed for the filters in the asset grid to aggregate the filter options for supported meta data types.
FileSizeSumAggregationAssetsAggregates the sum of file sizes for all assets for a given search. The FileSizeAggregationServiceInterface internally uses this aggregation and provides an easy way to use this functionality.

Search Modifier Implementation Details

Wildcard support

For some search modifiers, wildcard support is available. Wildcards support the following characters:

  • * can be used to match any sequence of characters, regardless of length - for example "Car*" to find all items starting with "Car".
  • ? can be used to match exactly one character - for example "Car?" to find all items starting with "Car" and having one more character.

PQL field name resolution

Some modifiers support Pimcore Query Language (PQL) field name resolution by setting $enablePqlFieldNameResolution to true (enabled by default). Therefore, it's possible to use short field names then instead of specifying the full indexed path.

Add your own search modifier

To add a custom search modifier implementation two steps are necessary:

  1. Create a new class that implements the Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Model\Search\Modifier\ModifierInterface interface. This model class should contain all configurable attributes for the modifier. Take a look at the IdFilter for an example.

  2. Create a service to implement the logic behind the modifier and add the AsSearchModifierHandler attribute. The attribute can either be directly added to the method which implements to logic or to a class. If added to a class the ´__invoke` method will be used as the handler.

The implemented method needs exactly two arguments.:

Take a look at the BasicFilters for an example and the Default search models documentation for more details about the search models to manipulate the search.