Server Requirements
For production, we highly recommend a *nix based system.
Also have a look at our official Docker images and the docker-compose files in our skeleton and demo application.
- Apache >= 2.4
- mod_rewrite
- .htaccess support (
AllowOverride All
- Nginx
PHP >= 8.0
Both mod_php and FCGI (FPM) are supported.
Required Settings and Modules & Extensions
>= 128M -
>= 100M (depending on your data) - pdo_mysql
- iconv
- dom
- simplexml
- gd
- exif
- file_info
- mbstring
- zlib
- zip
- intl
- opcache
- curl
- CLI SAPI (for Cron Jobs)
Composer 2 (added to
- see also Additional Tools Installation)
Recommended or Optional Modules & Extensions
- imagick (if not installed gd is used instead, but with less supported image types)
- phpredis (recommended cache backend adapter)
- graphviz (for rendering workflow overview)
- mysqli (PDO although is still required for parameter mappings)
Database Server
- MariaDB >= 10.3
- MySQL >= 8.0
- Percona Server (supported versions see MySQL)
- InnoDB / XtraDB storage engine
- Support for InnoDB fulltext indexes
All permissions on database level, specifically:
- Select, Insert, Update, Delete table data
- Create tables
- Drop tables
- Alter tables
- Manage indexes
- Create temp-tables
- Lock tables
- Execute
- Create view
- Show view
For installing our demo additionally
Create routine
andAlter routine
are needed.
System Variables
innodb_file_per_table = 1
plugin_load_add = ha_archive # optional but recommended, starting from mariadb 10.1 archive format is no more activated by default (check and adapt for mysql or other database software)
Redis (optional but recommended for caching)
All versions > 3 are supported
# select an appropriate value for your data
maxmemory 768mb
# IMPORTANT! Other policies will cause random inconsistencies of your data!
maxmemory-policy volatile-lru
save ""
Operating System
Please ensure you have installed all required packages to ensure proper locale support by PHP.
On Debian based systems, you can use the following command to install all required packages:
apt-get install locales-all
(on some systems there may be a reboot required).
Additional Server Software
- FFMPEG (>= 3)
- Ghostscript (>= 9.16)
- LibreOffice (>= 4.3)
- wkhtmltoimage / wkhtmltopdf (>= 0.12)
- xvfb
- timeout (GNU core utils)
- pdftotext (poppler utils)
- inkscape
- zopflipng
- pngcrush
- jpegoptim
- pngout
- advpng
- cjpeg (MozJPEG)
- exiftool
- facedetect
- Graphviz
Please visit Additional Tools Installation for additional information.
Browser Requirements
Pimcore supports always the latest 2 versions of all 4 major desktop browsers at the time of a release.
- Google Chrome (Recommended)
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Apple Safari
Note: Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 won`t be supported from Pimcore 6.0.0 or higher. More details here.