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Version: Edit on GitHub

Custom Views

A custom view is an additional custom tree representing a subset of elements of the corresponding original tree. Custom views can be configured for Documents, Assets and Objects.

Security Note
Perspectives and Custom Views are not intended to be used to restrict access to data

An unlimited number of custom views can be created. Specify the tree type, root node and layout settings. Note that the ID is mandatory and must be unique!

Custom Views

For a sample configuration file have a look at the sample configuration file that ships with Pimcore and its comments.

Advanced Features / Configurations

Additional object tree including condition filter

The main idea for this configuration is to

  • add an additional object tree called Articles having its root at /blog
  • not showing the parent folder as its root
  • showing it at the right side in expanded state (there can be only one expanded tree on each side)
  • do NOT show all blog articles which have the text "magnis" in their English title.
  • only the classes Category (class id: 5) and Subarticle (class id: SUBARTICLE) should be enabled to be added. Category is only allowed to be added on the first level of the object tree. Subarticle is available in the context menu on the first three levels of the object tree.
// config/pimcore/customviews.php
return [
    "views" => [
            "treetype" => "object",
            "name" => "Articles",
            "icon" => "/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/flat-color-icons/reading.svg",
            "id" => 1,
            "rootfolder" => "/blog",
            "showroot" => FALSE,
            'classes' => [                                                      
                "5" => 1,                                                                
                "SUBARTICLE" => 3,                                      
            "position" => "right",
            "sort" => "1",
            "expanded" => TRUE,
            "having" => "o_type = \"folder\" || o5.title NOT LIKE '%magnis%'",
            "joins" => [
                    "type" => "left",
                    "name" => array("o5" => "object_localized_5_en"),
                    "condition" => "objects.o_id = o5.oo_id",
                    "columns" => array("o5" => "title")
            "where" => ""

Custom Views

Additional asset tree hiding items based on a property

  • use the /examples/panama as the root folder
  • do not show the parent node
  • position it on the left
  • place it on the top and expand it
  • hide assets which have the "HIDE" property set to true
    "treetype" => "asset",
    "name" => "Panama Impressions",
    "icon" => "/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/flat-color-icons/camera_identification.svg",
    "id" => 1,
    "rootfolder" => "/examples/panama",
    "showroot" => FALSE,
    "classes" => "",
    "position" => "left",
    "sort" => "-4",                 // the main trees have priorities -1 (objects), -2  (assets) and -3 (documents)
    "expanded" => true,
    "having" => "type = \"folder\" OR hide is NULL or hide != 1",
    "joins" => [
            "type" => "left",
            "name" => array("meta" => "properties"),
            "condition" => "(meta.cid = assets.id AND meta.ctype = 'asset' AND name = 'HIDE')",
            "columns" => array("hide" => "data")
    "where" => ""

Custom Views

Document tree filtering using the where clause

The intention is to

  • show the /en/basic-examples subtree (including the parent node on the right side)
  • apply a simple filter which allows us to only show
    • folders
    • links
    • pages which do not have the character 'g' in their key
   "treetype" => "document",
   "name" => "Basic Page Examples",
   "icon" => "/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/flat-color-icons/reading.svg",
   "id" => 3,
   "rootfolder" => "/en/basic-examples",
   "showroot" => TRUE,
   "classes" => "",
   "position" => "right",
   "sort" => "-12",
   "expanded" => TRUE,
   "having" => "",
   "joins" => "",
   "where" => "(type = 'folder' OR (type = 'page' and `key` NOT LIKE '%g%' OR type = 'link'))"

Custom Views

Customizing the Tree Context Menu

Allows you to hide certain context menu items via the customview's treeContextMenu configuration option.

"treetype" => "asset",
"name" => "New Panama Impressions",
"showroot" => 1,
"classes" => "",
"treeContextMenu" => [
    "asset" => [
        "items" => [
            "add" => [
                "items" => [
                    "importFromServer" => 0
            "addFolder" => 0,
            "rename" => 1,      // optional
            "copy" => 0,
            "cut" => 0,
            "delete" => 1,      // optional
            "lock" => 0

Custom Views

There are keys for most of the menu items, including sub menu items. The notion is like indicated in the example configuration.

Let's assume that we want to hide the "copy" option. The short way is this one:

"copy"  => 0 (the default is that all menu entries are visible)    
"copy" => [
    "hidden" => true