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Version: 2024.4

Shared Translations

Pimcore provides an easy way for editors to edit commonly used translation terms across the application, which can be found here: Extras > Translation > Shared Translations. In the background the standard Symfony Translator component is used to add the shared translation functionality to the application. The main benefit is that you have only one single translator for all your translations.

It automatically uses the locale specified on a document or from a fallback mechanism.

For more information, please also check out Symfony's Translations Component.

Shared TranslationsShared TranslationsShared Translations

Available languages are defined within the system languages, see here.

Shared translations are stored in translations_messages database table and can be versioned using Migrations.

Translations case sensitivity

Translations are case sensitive by default. You can reconfigure Pimcore to handle website and admin translations as case insensitive, however as this implies a performance hit (translations might be looked up twice) and it does not conform with Symfony's translators you're encouraged to reference translation keys with the same casing as they were saved.

Working with Shared Translations / the Translator in Code

Example in Templates / Views

You can also use variable interpolation in localized messages.

<address>&copy; {{ 'Copyright'|trans }}</address>
<a href="/imprint">{{ 'Imprint'|trans }}</a>
{# variable interpolation, 'about' translates to 'About {{siteName}}' #}
<a href="/about">{{ 'about'|trans({'{{siteName}}': siteName}) }}</a>

Parameters in translations can be wrapped in double curly braces ({{ and }}) but you are free to use other placeholder wrappers as well, e.g. %parameter% like in the Symfony docs also works.

Example in a Controller


namespace App\Controller;

use Pimcore\Controller\FrontendController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface;

class ContentController extends FrontendController
public function defaultAction(TranslatorInterface $translator): Response
$translatedLegalNotice = $translator->trans("legal_notice");
$siteName = "Demo"; // or get dynamically
// variable interpolation, 'about' translates to 'About {{siteName}}'
$translatedAbout = $translator->trans("about", ['siteName' => $siteName]);

// ...

Translation Pluralization/Selection

Since Pimcore uses Symfony Translator component in background, you can store and use the translations in ICU Message Format(supported by Symfony Translator) for Pluralization, Selection and more. Read here This can be achieved in Pimcore by selecting type "ICU Format" on translation UI and passing required parameter in view/Controller. e.g.

  • Add translation key and select type "ICU Format".

    Translation Pluralization1Translation Pluralization1Translation Pluralization1

  • Click on language cell plain text button to edit Translation Pluralization1Translation Pluralization1Translation Pluralization1

    and add translation in ICU format {variable_name, function_name, function_statement} Translation Pluralization2Translation Pluralization2Translation Pluralization2

  • Use in view

    {{ 'cars_sold'|trans({'sold_count': 0}) }}
{# output: No car sold yet. #}

{{ 'cars_sold'|trans({'sold_count': 1}) }}
{# output: Only one car sold. #}

{{ 'cars_sold'|trans({'sold_count': 100}) }}
{# output: Total of 100 cars sold! #}

Pimcore backend functionalities

Sorting & Filtering on language level

Sorting Shared TranslationsSorting Shared TranslationsSorting Shared Translations

Translation Export & Import

Translations can be exported to a CSV file and then re-imported later on.

Translation ExportTranslation ExportTranslation Export

Translations are still imported automatically as long as the translation key does not exist in the target system or the translation itself is still empty. Conflicts (i.e. the translation in the target system does not match the version of the source) are shown in an overview tab and then can be merged manually.

Translation ImportTranslation ImportTranslation Import