DataObject Queries
Suppored Data Types
Also check out the Pimcore's data type documentation.
- Advanced Many-to-Many Relation
- Advanced Many-to-Many Object Relation
- Block
- Boolean Select
- Calculated Value
- Checkbox
- Classification Store
- Country
- Countries (Multiselect)
- Date
- DateTime
- External Image
- Gender
- Field-Collections
- Firstname
- Geobounds
- Geopoint
- Geopolygon
- Image
- Image Advanced
- Input
- InputQuantityValue
- Language
- Languages (Multiselect)
- Lastname
- Link
- Many-to-One Relation
- Many-to-Many Relation
- Many-to-Many Object Relation
- Multiselect
- Newsletter Active
- Newsletter Confirmed
- Numeric
- Quantity Value
- Reverse Many-to-Many Object Relation
- RgbaColor
- Select
- Slider
- StructuredTable
- Table
- Textarea
- Time
- URL Slug
- Video
- Wysiwyg
Available Query Operators
Check out the operators section for more information.
Get single Data Object
Base structure for getting single data object:
getNews(id: 4) {
Get List of Data Objects
Base structure for getting a list of data objects, restricted by IDs:
getNewsListing(ids: "4,5") {
edges {
Base structure for getting a list of data objects, restricted by fullpath:
getNewsListing(fullpaths: "/NewsArticle,/NewsArticle2") {
edges {
node {
Sometimes it can happen that the fullpath already contains a comma. To make sure the comma is not interpreted as a list separator in this case, you can quote the path:
getNewsListing(fullpaths: "'/NewsArticle,Headline','/NewsArticle2'") {
edges {
node {
Pagination can be applied as query parameters.
# 'first' is the limit
# 'after' the offset
getManufacturerListing(first: 3, after: 1) {
edges {
node {
Simple Sorting
Sorting can be applied as query parameters, for example sort by name, descending.
getManufacturerListing(sortBy: "name", sortOrder: "DESC") {
edges {
node {
You can use Pimcore's webservice filter logic as described here for filtering listing requests.
For details see filtering documentation page
Localization of Queries
Queries can be localized For details see the localization documentation page.
Extend Data Object Queries
It is possible to add custom query data types and query operators. For details see detail documentation pages:
More Examples
See following list for more examples with data object queries: