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Version: 2024.4

Assign Execution Context To Asset Metadata

This automation action allows you to assign the execution context to asset metadata. It can be configured to assign the data from previous steps to the asset using the metadata. It supports assigning data to a single or multiple assets.

Available Context

For more information on context limitations refer to the Available Context section.

Multiselect: Yes Elements: Assets

Configuration Options

# (Required) This defines the mapping of the execution context to the asset. 
assetMetadateFieldName: executionContextKey

# (Optional) This parameter sets the language of the asset metadata field.
language: de

Detailed Configuration Options

  • mapping: (Required) This defines the mapping of the execution context to the asset. The assetMetadateFieldName is the field name of the metadata where the execution context data will be assigned. The executionContextKey is the key in the execution context from where the data will be fetched.
  • language: This optional parameter sets the language of the metadata field for the asset.

Structure of the Execution Context

This action uses the execution context to assign data to the metadata of an asset. The execution context Should be in the following format:

$content[$id_of_the_processed_asset][$execution_context_Key] = $value;

This structure allows the action to correctly assign the data from the execution context to the asset.