Security Settings
The security settings define how the endpoint is secured and which data is accessible.
Here you can define how users are authenticated when accessing the endpoint.
Supported Methods
- API Key: needs to be sent with every request.
To automatically create an API key use the button next to the input. For each click on the button a new API key is generated and will be added to the input field in addition to the list of existing keys.
Introspection Settings
Introspection provides an information about queries which are supported by GraphQl schema. If introspection is enabled, the endpoint will provide a schema definition which can be used by GraphiQL or other tools to provide auto-completion and documentation. If introspection is disabled, the schema definition will not be provided and therefore no auto-completion or documentation will be available.
This is currently enabled by default. It can be disabled via security settings tab directly in the backend or in the symfony configuration tree:
allow_introspection: false
Workspace Settings
Defines workspaces for data that should be accessible via the endpoint. The definition is similar to Pimcore user workspace permissions
If no workspace is selected, no directories are accessible.
Available permissions:
- Create
- Read
- Update
- Delete
Error Handling - Configuration Values
The default behavior for associated/related objects, documents or assets that are not visible for the endpoint is, to simply null it out.
You can change that via a configuration setting in symfony configuration tree:
- 1 = the entire query will fail
- 2 = null it out/skip it for multi-relations (default)
not_allowed_policy: 2
It is also possible to disable the permission checks entirely by setting the configuration option in the security definition tab.