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Filter for nested documents
In some cases it is necessary to store an array of objects, but in a way so that they can be queried independently of each other, i.e. if you want to store an array of additional data from field collections. The data in your index may look as follows:
"_source": {
"attributes": {
"my_attributes": [
"id": "12345",
"name": "Höhe",
"value": "15 mm"
"id": "12346",
"name": "Länge",
"value": "7 mm"
"id": "12347",
"name": "Breite",
"value": "30 mm"
To utilize the nested
document functionality the mapping type of the field my_attributes
must be defined as nested
to let elasticsearch know about the sub-documents:
filtergroup: string
type: 'nested'
type: 'nested'
interpreter_id: App\Ecommerce\IndexService\Interpreter\MyAttributes
locale: '%%locale%%'
Now you can create a filter for the nested document field, which has to be defined in a nested manner as well:
class SelectMyAttribute extends \Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\FilterService\FilterType\AbstractFilterType
public function prepareGroupByValues(AbstractFilterDefinitionType $filterDefinition, ProductListInterface $productList)
/** @var AbstractElasticSearch $productList */
$nestedPath = "attributes.my_attributes";
// first group by id
$subAggregationField = $nestedPath . ".id";
// then group by value
$subSubAggregationField = $nestedPath . ".value.keyword";
$productList->prepareGroupByValuesWithConfig($this->getField($filterDefinition), true, false, [
"nested" => [
"path" => $nestedPath
"aggs" => [
$subAggregationField => [
"terms" => [
"size" => 200,
"field" => $subAggregationField
"aggs" => [
$subSubAggregationField => [
"terms" => [
"size" => 200,
"field" => $subSubAggregationField
public function addCondition(AbstractFilterDefinitionType $filterDefinition, ProductListInterface $productList, $currentFilter, $params, $isPrecondition = false)
$nestedPath = "attributes.my_attributes";
// @todo: get $myAttributeValue and $myAttributeId from request params
$condition = [
"nested" => [
"path" => $nestedPath,
"query" => [
"bool" => [
$mode => [
"term" => [
$nestedPath . ".value.keyword" => $myAttributeValue
"term" => [
$nestedPath."id" => $myAttributeId
$productList->addCondition($condition, $this->getField($filterDefinition));
public function getFilterValues(AbstractFilterDefinitionType $filterDefinition, ProductListInterface $productList, array $currentFilter): array
$field = $this->getField($filterDefinition);
$this->prepareGroupByValues($filterDefinition, $productList);
$values = $productList->getGroupByValues($field, true, !$filterDefinition->getUseAndCondition());
return [
'label' => $filterDefinition->getLabel(),
'values' => $values,
'metaData' => $filterDefinition->getMetaData(),
'hasValue' => $this->hasValue,
Further information
Read more about
in the official elasticsearch documentation.