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Version: 2024.4

Website Settings

The Website Settings give you the possibility to configure website-specific settings, which you can access in every controller and view.


  • ReCAPTCHA public & private key
  • Locale settings
  • Google Maps API key
  • Defaults
  • ....

Access the Settings

In controllers and views, you can use view helpers or argument resolves to access the config. The returned configuration is an array containing your settings.

Example Configuration

Website Setting ConfigWebsite Setting ConfigWebsite Setting Config

Usage in a template:

{# access the whole configuration #}
{{ pimcore_website_config() }}

{# or only a single value #}
{{ pimcore_website_config('googleMapsKey') }}

{# you can pass a default value in case the value is not configured #}
{{ pimcore_website_config('googleMapsKey', 'NOT SET') }}

Usage in a controller:


use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class TestController
public function testAction(array $websiteConfig): Response
$recaptchaKeyPublic = $websiteConfig['recaptchaPublic'];

// ...

Manipulate the values in a Controller

If you want to change the value of a website setting from your PHP script, for example from a controller, you can use this code.


use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class TestController
public function testAction(): Response
// get the "somenumber" setting for "de"
// if the property does not exist you will get the setting with not language provided
$somesetting = \Pimcore\Model\WebsiteSetting::getByName('somenumber', null, 'de');
$currentnumber = $somesetting->getData();
//Now do something with the data or set new data
//Count up in this case
$newnumber = $currentnumber + 1;

// ...


You can also listen to events when a website setting is changed.

namespace Pimcore\Event;

final class WebsiteSettingEvents
* @Event("Pimcore\Event\Model\WebsiteSettingEvent")
* @var string
public const PRE_ADD = 'pimcore.websiteSetting.preAdd';

* @Event("Pimcore\Event\Model\WebsiteSettingEvent")
* @var string
public const POST_ADD = 'pimcore.websiteSetting.postAdd';

* @Event("Pimcore\Event\Model\WebsiteSettingEvent")
* @var string
public const PRE_UPDATE = 'pimcore.websiteSetting.preUpdate';

* @Event("Pimcore\Event\Model\WebsiteSettingEvent")
* @var string
public const POST_UPDATE = 'pimcore.websiteSetting.postUpdate';

* @Event("Pimcore\Event\Model\WebsiteSettingEvent")
* @var string
public const PRE_DELETE = 'pimcore.websiteSetting.preDelete';

* @Event("Pimcore\Event\Model\WebsiteSettingEvent")
* @var string
public const POST_DELETE = 'pimcore.websiteSetting.postDelete';