Warning: You are browsing the documentation from version 4 to 10 of Pimcore. Please visit https://pimcore.com/docs/platform/ for the latest versions of Pimcore.


Pimcore, starting with version 5, fully supports the Twig templating engine which is favored in many Symfony projects and third party bundles. You can use Twig exactly as documented in:

For historical reasons, Pimcore's default implementations default to the PHP templating engine, but you can easily change the default behaviour when you use template auto-discovery from your controllers. If you use @Template annotations or directly create a response via $this->render(), you can already just reference a Twig template to use twig.

If you use the Pimcore's default FrontendController, it will set a special attribute on the request which mimics the @Template annotation and tries to auto-render a view with the same name as the controller action if the controller does not return a response (see TemplateControllerInterface for details). As this call defaults to PHP, you need to change this to Twig in order to automatically use Twig in your controllers:


namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use Pimcore\Controller\FrontendController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\FilterControllerEvent;

class MyController extends FrontendController
    public function onKernelController(FilterControllerEvent $event)
        // set auto-rendering to twig
        $this->setViewAutoRender($event->getRequest(), true, 'twig');
     * This action will automatically render MyController/myAction.html.twig as
     * auto-rendering was enabled above.
    public function myAction()
        $this->view->foo = 'bar';

Alternatively, just use annotations or render the view directly to use twig:


namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use Pimcore\Controller\FrontendController;
use Pimcore\Templating\Model\ViewModel;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;

class MyController extends FrontendController
     * The annotation will automatically resolve the view to MyController/myAnnotatedAction.html.twig
     * @Template() 
    public function myAnnotatedAction()
    public function directRenderAction(ViewModel $view)
        return $this->render('my/custom/action.html.twig', $view->getAllParameters());

Of course, you can just set a custom template for Pimcore documents in the admin interface and that template will be used for auto-rendering when the controller does not return a response.

Twig Reference

To make Pimcore's functions available in Twig templates, Pimcore implements a set of extensions. Please see the Twig Demo as first reference how to use Pimcore with Twig.

Although we're working on adding Twig examples throughout the documentation where applicable, here follows a list of available Twig extensions. You can take a look at the implementations for further details. Note that all of Pimcore's Twig extensions are prefixed with pimcore to avoid naming collisions.

Pimcore editables

You can use any Pimcore document editable in Twig by prefixing it with pimcore_ and using the same arguments as in PHP:

<h1>{{ pimcore_input('headline') }}</h1>

{{ pimcore_wysiwyg('content') }}

{{ pimcore_select('type', { reload: true, store: [["video","video"], ["image","image"]] }) }}
<h1><?= $this->input('headline') ?></h1>

<?= $this->wysiwyg('content') ?>

<?= $this->select('type', ['reload' => true, 'store' => [["video","video"], ["image","image"]]]) ?>

Please note that if you store the editable in a variable, you'll need to pipe it through the raw filter on output if it generates HTML as otherwise the HTML will be escaped by twig.

{% set content = pimcore_wysiwyg('content') %}

{# this will be escaped HTML #}
{{ content }}

{# HTML will be rendered #}
{{ content|raw }}


Loading Objects

The following functions can be used to load Pimcore objects in a template (use <type>::getById()`):

  • pimcore_document
  • pimcore_site
  • pimcore_asset
  • pimcore_object
{% set myObject = pimcore_object(123) %}
{{ myObject.getTitle() }}

For documents, Pimcore also provides a function to handle hardlinks through the pimcore_document_wrap_hardlink method.

See PimcoreObjectExtension for details.


The following methods use the matching PHP templating view helpers to render subrequests:

  • pimcore_inc
  • pimcore_action
{# render an action #}
{{ pimcore_action('sidebarBox', 'Blog', null, { items: count }) }}

{# include another document #}
{{ pimcore_inc('/snippets/foo') }}

See Templating Helpers for details.

Templating Helpers

The following templating helpers can directly be used from Twig. See Templating Helpers for a detailed description of every helper:

  • pimcore_head_link
  • pimcore_head_meta
  • pimcore_head_script
  • pimcore_head_style
  • pimcore_head_title
  • pimcore_inline_script
  • pimcore_placeholder
  • pimcore_cache
  • pimcore_url

Block elements

As Twig does not provide a while control structure which is needed to iterate a Block editable, we introduced a function called pimcore_iterate_block to allow walking through every block element:

{% for i in pimcore_iterate_block(pimcore_block('contentblock')) %}
    <h2>{{ pimcore_input('subline' }}</h2>
    {{ pimcore_wysiwyg('content') }}
{% endfor %}
  • pimcore_build_nav
  • pimcore_render_nav
  • pimcore_nav_renderer

Used to interact with navigations. See Navigation for details. Simplified example:

{% set navigation = pimcore_build_nav(document) %}
{{ pimcore_render_nav(navigation) }}

{# you can also fetch the renderer instance and call custom render methods #}
{% set renderer = pimcore_nav_renderer('menu') %}
{{ renderer.render(navigation) }}

Website Config

The pimcore_website_config gives you access to the configuration values set in the admin interface. See Website Settings for details.

{{ pimcore_website_config('googleMapsKey') }}



The pimcoreglossary block replaces glossary terms. See Glossary for details.

{% pimcoreglossary %}
My content
{% endpimcoreglossary %}



Can be used to test if an object is an instance of a given class.

{% if image is instanceof('\\Pimcore\\Model\\Asset\\Image') %}
    {# ... #}
{% endif %}