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Website Settings
The Website Settings
give you the possibility to configure website-specific settings, which you can
access in every controller and view.
- ReCAPTCHA public & private key
- Locale settings
- Google Maps API key
- Defaults
- ....
Access the Settings
In controllers and views, you can use view helpers or argument resolves to access the config. If you're not in a view or
controller you can use Pimcore\Tool\Frontend::getWebsiteConfig();
to retrieve the configuration.
The returned configuration is a Pimcore\Config\Config
object containing your settings.
Example Configuration
Usage in a template:
// access the whole configuration
// or only a single value
// you can pass a default value in case the value is not configured
$this->websiteConfig('googleMapsKey', 'NOT SET');
{# access the whole configuration #}
{{ pimcore_website_config() }}
{# or only a single value #}
{{ pimcore_website_config('googleMapsKey') }}
{# you can pass a default value in case the value is not configured #}
{{ pimcore_website_config('googleMapsKey', 'NOT SET') }}
Usage in a controller:
class TestController
public function testAction(\Pimcore\Config\Config $websiteConfig)
$recaptchaKeyPublic = $websiteConfig->get('recaptchaPublic');
Manipulate the values in a Controller
If you want to change the value of a website setting from your PHP script, for example from a controller, you can use this code.
class TestController
public function testAction()
// get the "somenumber" setting for "de"
// if the property does not exist you will get the setting with not language provided
$somesetting = \Pimcore\Model\WebsiteSetting::getByName('somenumber', null, 'de');
$currentnumber = $somesetting->getData();
//Now do something with the data or set new data
//Count up in this case
$newnumber = $currentnumber + 1;