Warning: You are browsing the documentation from version 4 to 10 of Pimcore. Please visit https://pimcore.com/docs/platform/ for the latest versions of Pimcore.
Version: Edit on GitHub

Advanced Installation Topics

To fully automate the installation process, options can be passed in the CLI as parameters, rather than adding them interactively.

The --no-interaction flag will prevent any interactive prompts:

./vendor/bin/pimcore-install --admin-username admin --admin-password admin \
  --mysql-username username --mysql-password password --mysql-database pimcore \

To avoid having to pass sensitive data (e.g. DB password) as command line option, you can also set each parameter as env variable. See ./vendor/bin/pimcore-install for details. Example:

$ PIMCORE_INSTALL_MYSQL_USERNAME=username PIMCORE_INSTALL_MYSQL_PASSWORD=password ./vendor/bin/pimcore-install \
  --admin-username admin --admin-password admin \
  --mysql-database pimcore \

Preconfiguring the installer

You can preconfigure the values used by the installer by adding a config file which sets values for the database credentials. This is especially useful when installing Pimcore on platforms where credentials are available via env vars instead of having direct access to them. To preconfigure the installer, add a config file in config/installer.yaml (note: the file can be of any format supported by Symfony's config, so you could also use xml or php as the format), then configure the pimcore_installer tree:

# config/installer.yaml

            user:                 username
            password:             password
            dbname:               pimcore
            # env variables can be directly read with the %env() syntax
            # see https://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-3-2-runtime-environment-variables
            host:                 %env(DB_HOST)%
            port:                 %env(DB_PORT)%

Add some randomness to the maintenance cron job

# We need bash since RANDOM is a bash builtin

*/5 * * * * sleep $[ ( $RANDOM \% 120 ) + 1 ]s ; /your/project/bin/console maintenance